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  • 두 단어를 함께 검색하려면 쉼표나 공백을 사용하세요. 예: "love, neighbor" 또는 "love neighbor".
  • 정확한 구문을 검색하려면 큰따옴표로 묶으십시오. 예: "Son of Man".
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Wicked Rulers and Prophets
1And I said:
“Hear now, O heads of Jacob,
And you rulers of the house of Israel:
Is it not for you to know justice?
2You who hate good and love evil;
Who strip the skin from 3:2 Lit. themMy people,
And the flesh from their bones;
3Who also eat the flesh of My people,
Flay their skin from them,
Break their bones,
And chop them in pieces
Like meat for the pot,
Like flesh in the caldron.”
4Then they will cry to the Lord,
But He will not hear them;
He will even hide His face from them at that time,
Because they have been evil in their deeds.
5Thus says the Lord concerning the prophets
Who make my people stray;
Who chant 3:5 All is well“Peace”
3:5 For those who feed themWhile they chew with their teeth,
But who prepare war against him
Who puts nothing into their mouths:
6“Therefore you shall have night without 3:6 Prophetic revelationvision,
And you shall have darkness without divination;
The sun shall go down on the prophets,
And the day shall be dark for them.
7So the seers shall be ashamed,
And the diviners abashed;
Indeed they shall all cover their lips;
For there is no answer from God.”
8But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord,
And of justice and might,
To declare to Jacob his transgression
And to Israel his sin.
9Now hear this,
You heads of the house of Jacob
And rulers of the house of Israel,
Who abhor justice
And 3:9 Lit. twistpervert all equity,
10Who build up Zion with bloodshed
And Jerusalem with iniquity:
11Her heads judge for a bribe,
Her priests teach for pay,
And her prophets divine for 3:11 Lit. silvermoney.
Yet they lean on the Lord, and say,
“Is not the Lord among us?
No harm can come upon us.”
12Therefore because of you
Zion shall be plowed like a field,
Jerusalem shall become heaps of ruins,
And the mountain of the 3:12 Lit. housetemple
Like the bare hills of the forest.
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